Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bikhre Bimb - Scattered Hype

Movie goers are finally resorting to alternate ways of entertaiment (or shd i say alternate ways of spending money!). Plays are one of them.

Last weekend i stumbled upon a play by Girish Karnaad being staged at a local theater. Given to its hype, we realized that online tickets are sold out and the last hope is on-the-spot cancellations. With the enthu we had we were on the spot pretty early. Counter did open and people did cancel and on second attempt we had the tickets. So first hurdle crossed...

Stage setup looked immaculate. And the play began with a lady in green saari walking in. She turned out to be one of the best stage actors i had ever seen. But our plight began somewhere around 20mins from the start when we realized that she was the only one actor in the play! And the story line turned out to be really pathetic! I wonder how could Girish karnaad decide to write or direct such a thing! To be true i had headache for sometime. But anyways, as a true follower of plays i tried appreciating the work being done by lone lady.

Bikhre Bimb is something which is totally out of context. It never tries to touch upon something you can relate to. It just goes on to tell u what it wants without even caring for a moment that why would you listen to that! I would call it immature.

All in all, except of the performance of on and off stage artists, the play was a bore and its a complete no no for anyone.

But i would still keep going for plays because i love them. If not the story, the artists expression, their liveliness and compassion towards their work keeps it alive.