Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The persuit of happiness

Dear Blog
Thanks for being there and listening to me.

We are in constant search of the destination when we can call ourselves happy. How do we define happiness? I think it's being calm.. having three meals a day.. having someone who loves you as much as you do. On second thoughts all these things come from having money and good money... So what we contantly look for is money. But happiness doesnt come by having money. It comes with mental peace that no money can buy. Basically it's all screwed up interwoven thing.

"Life is a complete waste of time" reads a message on as friends instant messenger. So consider that true for a monent. If we all know the end:death then why waste time! My dad has two kids.. he has done his job making them employable. I'll have kids n i'll go over it as he did. May be i'll buy one more toy for him/her. So is life a waste of time... ! well... cant deny but one cant just turn off. As they call it "mrityulok".

Life is how we lead it. In constant search for happiness or feeling content and living each moment as it comes. Lets be aware that if we constantly look for happiness we'll never get it. It is because life is not good. Period of happiness are too short.. people deceive you, luck turns its back and things happen. So what do we do...

Detach yourself and earn as much money as you can...
And do plan to give something to those who really need it...

Persuit of happiness is never ending.. neither is happiness ever ending.

Signing off for now..
stay cosy!


R. Anand said...

yup dude... money can't buy happiness, but can sure keep you happy... :)

Anonymous said...

I agree Anand....Money Surely can keep Kumar happy :)